Our Protective Measures

At Howard Carter Lease in Burnaby, we employ continuous assessment and involvement towards our internal cleaning and sanitization practices to protect both – our staff and customers alike.
Measures we’ve actively taken include;
All Departments:
- Howard Carter Lease has instituted the 6ft rule with all patrons, staff and guests to practice Social & Physical Distancing
- Hand sanitization stations made available throughout the dealership
- Public common areas and employee work surfaces are routinely sanitized (including handrails,
- door handles, computers, phones and bathroom areas)
- Employees observing social distance behaviours during their lunch and scheduled breaks
- Frequent germicidal scrubbing of public washrooms
- Sanitization of credit/debit transaction devices
Service & Parts Departments:
- Sanitization of steering wheels, gear shifters and essential vehicle touchpoints of all customer vehicles
- Customer shuttle service vehicle sanitization
- Employees wear gloves and are stationed behind protective plexiglass cashier shields
Questions about our Protective Measures? We’re here for you and ready to help you. Call Now! (604) 291-8899